Public pools seek solutions for the energy crisis
Dans l'Europe entière, les collectivités doivent faire preuve de résilience et choisir des solutions innovantes pour continuer d'exploiter leurs piscines publiques.

As winter approaches, public authorities everywhere are looking for ways to save on their power bills including the extinction of public lighting, turning off fountains, reducing heating in public buildings… power consumption has to fall and this includes public pools management. A difficult situation all over Europe, which obliges public authorities to be resilient and look for innovative solutions.

Read also: Greentech helps rescue public swimming pools from soaring power costs
Power costs are rising everywhere in Europe
From Italy to Greece via Belgium and Norway invoices are doubling and even tripling and that is what public pools across European countries expect. An intolerable situation for public authorities which have to choose between reducing pool water temperature, modifying opening hours or totally closing for lack of means.
Just in the Netherlands, the rise in energy costs directly threatens the closure of nearly 200 public pools which have power supply contracts which expire at the end of the year (1). These closures raise issues of public health and access to swimming lessons.
A challenge for all sector professionals
In August 2022, the Italian Tourism Federation launched an appeal for the government to solve the problems of energy costs threatening the pool closures due to their energy bills (2). In Norway, the Norwegian sports confederation wrote to the Storting (the Norwegian Parliament), demanding an urgent rise in energy subsidies to resolve the critical financial situation of the sports clubs responsible for the equipment (3). In Switzerland, the government has prohibited heating in wellbeing equipment including swimming pools. The Swiss hotel trade federation has gone on the attack to have this law amended.
An energy crisis which is sure to accelerate the ecological renovation of public pools
This major crisis occurs in the wider context of public pool obsolescence. Many were built in the seventies and consume much more power than more recent constructions.
In Sweden, more than 300 public pools should be renovated or replaced over the next ten years at a cost of 40 billion Swedish crowns (4). In the United Kingdom, 2,000 public pools - 40% of all pools - will close if they are not renovated by 2030 (5).
The energy crisis is a heavy blow for these pools but the upside is that it means that the way in which they are renovated will require careful thought and opens the door for innovative, sustainable development solutions.
The best solutions for energy saving swimming pools are on show at Piscine Global Europe
A major international gathering of pool and spa professionals hallmarked by sustainable development, Piscine Global Europe is back in November 2022. Pool power consumption is already much lower than a few decades ago and the sector never stops innovating!
Take in the “Sustainable development: towards an even more sustainable pool model” in the Pool Arena conference space to discover the latest approaches. Check out the latest innovations in the Pool Innovation Awards space. Swap experiences with professionals and public authorities from every kind of background in a friendly atmosphere and be inspired by the Pool Design Awards prize-winning projects on show.
Are you wondering how to operate your pool while at the same time reducing your energy bills? All the solutions you need are at Piscine Global Europe, from November 15th to 18th, 2022.
Join the Piscine Global Europe pool fair
(1) RTLnieuws: Energierekening van 250.000 euro per jaar: sluiting dreigt voor 200 zwembaden
(3) Norges Idrettsforbund: Brev til Stortinget om behov for styrket strømstøtteordning
(4) Svensk Byggtidning: Upphandling av simhallar bland kommunernas svåraste
(5) Swim England: A Decade of Decline: The Future of Swimming Pools in England
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